If we were asked what single shopping strategy would save the most money, our answer would emphatically be stockpiling!
The idea behind stockpiling is to buy items when they are at their lowest price and to buy enough to last your family until the items are at their lowest price again (usually three to six months). Recently we were able to get Kellogg’s cereal for just $0.08 a box by combining a great sale with coupons. That’s a price you won’t see every week! Since cereal stays fresh for several months we took advantage of the stock-up principle and saved 98% on the cost of cereal for our families.
But, you may say (as we did), I have two dogs, two kids, a husband, and a serious shoe addiction! There’s no space!
The easiest way to create extra storage space is to clear out things that are no longer being used. A great place to store dry goods is in a dry, dark garage or laundry room.
Start your Stockpile the Right Way
It is easy to become overwhelmed with the idea of creating a stockpile. Or, end up with a fabulous stockpile but have nothing on hand for dinner. All that is needed to combat these challenges is a plan. Make a list of 10 items that you know your family will use and you can stock-up on.
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I would love to stockpile on things like bleach, paper towels, toliet papers but is there a way I can find out when any stores in my area will have this a rock bottom prices w/coupons of course.
Check out our Grocery Gathering! We have bloggers from across the country that cover stores. They match up sales with coupons and tell you when items are at rock bottom.
The picture shown above has all brand-name items. If we’re truly being “cents” able–why wouldn’t you emphasize generic brands, which are always cheaper?
Most people do think that generic brands are cheaper, but I have found that when you use sale prices+coupons or store incentives the brand name are cheaper!