What is UPromise:
Upromise is a free service that helps you save for college or pay down student loans from the things you do all the time: buy groceries, shop online, fill your gas tank, go on vacation and much more.
How can you save with UPromise:
So there are two main ways to earn money through UPromise:
1. % back on every purchase made with your debit or credit card at a participating restaurants or retailers
2. e-Coupons earn penny for penny savings on specific product purchases
How to earn % back:
Upromise works with over 700 online stores, 8,500 restaurants, and over 21,000 grocery stores.
Here’s how it works:
:: First you have to sign-up! Then set up your account with all of your credit, debit and loyalty cards. It takes a little bit of time but you only have to do it once!
:: Make a purchase at a retailer with your debit or credit card or with a loyalty card (or through a participating online retailer). You MUST link to them via the UPromise site.
How to use e-Coupons:
UPromise offers e-Coupons on their site that add money, penny for penny, to your College Savings Account! They are just like regular coupons you redeem at the store: earn $1.00 when you purchase Reynolds Wrap, for example.
Upromise eCoupons are downloadable to your store cards for instant college savings in addition to all your other earnings through the program.To add the new coupons to your account, follow these easy steps:
1. First sign up and register your grocery cards on the site. You can register store cards from a wide variety of stores to earn a % of your purchase back, including CVS and Kroger stores as well as dozens of regional grocery chains.
2. Then go to the e-coupon page and click the big green buttons that say “select eCoupon.”
3. Once you’ve added all the coupons you want, click the big orange button that says “activate e-coupons” and the coupons will be loaded to your grocery loyalty card.
4. When you buy those items with coupons, the amount of the coupon will be deposited into your Upromise savings account automatically! That’s it! There’s really no reason not to add all the coupons onto your card just in case. If you’re already going to buy the product, then why not save money for college, too?
Sign up:
You have the option of opening a 529 account within UPromise (through your state) and having it linked to UPromise as well. I highly recommend that you sign up for UPromise if you haven’t, and be active about using it! Click here to get started!
i have a question about this upromise do you get the coupon amount of what you buy plus get that amount in your account?