teamed up with Kristy from The Organization People to bring you some money saving ways to clean up, clean out and get organized to save money, time and energy!

The GARAGE! My number one problem area of our home.
- Step 1 – Took everything out (since it was cold we just moved everything to the center of the garage).
- Step 2 – Cleaned off all the shelves (quickly – keeping a steady pace).
- Step 3 – Grouped LIKE items together (seasonal, sports, kids, picnic, recycling, donation, trash).
- Step 4 – Developed a plan (decided where everything needed to be, or go to).
- Step 5 – Put everything in its designated place, arranged and labeled.
Click HERE if you can’t see this video!
Organization Tips:
- Have a friend or family member, NOT emotionally attached, help you decide what you can rid from your home.
- Live in it for a bit and see what works! – Example: We rearranged the recycling center because it was difficult area for my kids to get in and out of the car.
- Have a list of to do items and a deadline. – Example: When and where you will donate items
My favorite organization fact was that we used everything we had on hand! We didn’t buy anything new!!
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great re-do! i love the idea of a “dump station” near the door, with the stool to put shoes on and off .
But i’m surprised to see the girls’ bags/backpacks/lunch boxes /coats on such a high shelf, and her husband’s bag on the low shelf! Seems like the little girls’ stuff would be down lower?
I love the idea of the dump station next to the door. Our foyer gets so crammed with snowpants, mittens, gloves, etc that it’s hard to keep it organized. The only problem is that I live in Maine and my garage is not heated so the jackets would be too freezing for the kids to put on, I am sure I could do something like this in the warmer months though. Thanks for sharing. It was inspiring! (My garage is even worse than yours was!)
Kathy-I don’t know why I didn’t think of that?? I think I will move things around! Thanks for the tip!!!
Great plan! Having a friend or neighbor help is just more fun, and you can easily repay the favor! We also live in the cold Midwest, so coats have to be inside, but I could hang the backpack by the back door. Thanks for the great pics!
Love the stockpile shelf directly by the back door. We find it perfect for us to reach out & extra grab Tide, TP, etc when needed.
We’ve also hung all the yard tools on the wall. Bikes & strollers are next to get off the floor for my family of 6. Think vertical space vs. floor space.
Finally, my favorite is our shelves hung from the ceiling above the garage doors for seasonal decorations. Accessible with a ladder and out of the way.
Three tips I use:…
1) Anything to be donated – goes directly in the car truck.. then when i am already out – the donation boxes are in the car and a quick drop off to which every agency is closest. (Can’t be forgot about them hiding in the garage:))
2) Open the mail and organize my coupons standing near the recycle can. (Standing makes me move faster) and I either keep the piece of need paper (and file away) or it is in the bin.. “One touch” for each piece of papers = less pile of expired/late information.
3) Every 6 months – host a party.. dinner..or family gathering. The two benefits are: 1 – you have a target date to make sure the house looks GREAT and everything is finished! 2- you get to re-connect with the important things in life = PEOPLE while removing unimportant things = STUFF/toys/old clothes/ etc. etc. etc. – Your house will look great, you will get more and more friends and your life will be more enjoyable. 🙂 Our next party.. is aour annual street Barbque on 5/21 (armed forces day) – so all kinds of neighbor will be in the house – got to clean out everywhere 🙂
The organization and use of space in the garage looks wonderful! I’m sure the transformation will be useful for everyone who has things they would like to access more quickly in that area. The organization tips are also great to help people get started!