Becentsable teamed up with Anna, from Your Retail Helper, and Brooke, our Fashion Consultant, to help me select new Spring/Summer clothes. Brooke is the fashion expert and she will help find clothes that look the best for my frame as well as functional but fun pieces for my much needed NEW wardrobe. Anna will be finding the deals on the clothing and the best stores to shop at.
Stop before you shop:
- We went through my closet to see what I had and what I needed.
- We found items that I no longer used that could be donated.
- We took stock of what we had.
- We made a list of what we needed.
My list:
- Pants
- Dress
- Dress Shirt
- Jacket
- 3 Shorts
- 3 Casual Shirts
- Black Sandals
- Flip Flops
- Summer Purse (optional)
The Rules:
- One (1) day ONLY to shop!
- $300 limit (hopefully much less).
- Must get everything on my list.
- No more than 20 miles total from my home.
Check back at to see if we WON the challenge as well as tips, suggestions and ideas to redo your wardrobe without crushing your wallet!
Being a single mom I have to really watch my budget. When me or the kids need new clothes I consign (or ebay) the really nice stuff and take the rest (as long as it it is in wearable shape) to donate. Then I use the money I earned to buy our new items.