We bought our “new” car when our son was 15 months. This was prime puking age, not to mention prime throwing fishies, Cherrios, dropping bottle aimlessly age.
Fearing the clean-up of what would inevitably be a messy situation; I almost immediately went to Target and bought two gray bath towels matching the color of the seats and floor of the new car. These towels tuck into the back of the seats and lay over the edge of the seat, as well as lay flat on the floor.
While done to prevent a toddler’s spills, the same principle applies to school kids. This is not the plastic covering your grandmother put over furniture that was loud and uncomfortable, so don’t be hesitant. These towels are not much different than the material on the seats themselves. Furthermore, when you do have spills (which you will, often) all you need to do is collect the towel end and shake outside the car.
And if the spill is so bad it stains or needs a washing, it’s a lot easier to throw two towels in the wash than it is to bring seltzer outside to the car and hope you managed to get the entire chocolate chip cookie that melted into the seat belt crevice.
I spent $15 on these towels two years ago, and the back seat of our car looks brand new, makes me wish I had done the same to the front seats where the grownups are.
By Mary B
My husband did this in his new truck so he wouldn’t mess up the seats with his dirty work clothes.