Our family has had many changes this summer, we sold our home of 13 years and moved into another home. We started the process of clearing out clutter, to “stage” our home, by looking at what we could consolidate, consign or donate. One area, we seem to have a quite a collection of was our home entertainment; including music CDs, games, DVD movies as well as the old VHS movies. Between the five of us we had over 500 pieces that we no longer used, needed or wanted to STORE!
We downloaded any movies and music on our computer, then had every member chose about 5-10 pieces each to keep. We took the rest to our local video consignment store. There, they checked each piece and gave us a price while we waited, then offered us either, cash or “bonus” money, if we chose store credit.
My husband chose to accept the store credit for our family. We were able to take the time we needed to think and discuss what we would like to purchase. We had a credit of $160. With this money we were able to purchased two DVDs for our younger children’s holiday baskets earlier this year. We also bought four NEW posters for our children’s rooms, another controller for our Wii (NEW), a Wii controller that our younger children can hold easier, a game for our 17 year old son, a Wii Zumba and another exercise CD, so we can exercise at home to save more.
By Michele
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Technically, I believe copying the CD and DVD’s to your computer and then selling them is against the law. When you trade-in the DVD you need to sign off that you have the right to trade-in the CD which means you do not have a “copy” of said copyrighted information.
Thanks for your comment. I am not sure the rules on this and what Michele downloaded. She has a little one sick this week, but I will make sure to share this with her.