New Members:
If you are new to Swagbucks now is the time to sign up! New members can get a sign up bonus of 110 Swagbucks with the code SBPAYSFORME! The code is active now and is good until 9:00 am PT on Friday, November 18th. Swagbucks is a search engine that rewards you for searching the Internet. You can earn gift cards and other prizes by collecting what they call swagbucks.If you are new to Swagbucks you can learn more here!
Holiday Contest:
Let Swagbucks Pays For Your Holidays!! Fill out your Wishlist on Swagbucks, this is completely free to participate in, and will conclude with one lucky user winning $2500 in Amazon Gift Cards on Cyber Monday (11/28).
- Complete your Wishlist HERE (1 Entry)
- Share your Wishlist on either Facebook or Twitter using the Share buttons (1 entry per day you share).
- Have a new user register for Swagbucks through your Wishlist share (1 entry)
- Have that user complete and share their own Wishlist (4 additional entries)
Gifts on a Budget:
- Free $10 Gift Cards (Starbucks, Gap and More)
- Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half
is on sale for $5.60
- Family Fun Magazine-$3.75 for 1 year (exp 11/13/11)
- FREE 8 X 10 photo canvas from Canvas People (a $55 value)
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