“I attended a BeCentsable workshop several weeks ago. It was incredibly informative and useful. In the first week of implementing the strategies, I was able to make back the money I spent on the workshop. Since then, I’ve estimated I’ve saved $100-125. In one trip alone, I purchased $75 worth of name brand items my family uses every week and I only paid $20. I feel empowered and excited to be doing something beneficial for our family.”
– Anna (SAHM, Wife, and Active Church Member, FPU Grad, Attended Our Workshop in March 2008)
“I am a normal busy mom of two, going in every directions like everyone else. I work part-time as a safety consultant for 4 years, and will go back full-time in 2 ½ years (but I will still shop this way in 2 ½ years).
So, I’m always watching the budget, buying what is on sale, and deciding do I really need that. Then two moms from our moms group invited me to there workshop, I asked a few questions and said sign me up, I want to know more! I learned how to save so much in those few hours. I went home did my planning for the week, and saved about $80 my first week, then the next week, my husband was with me at CVS and watched me walk away with a grocery cart full of shampoo, toiletpaper, papertowels, etc, completely full, you could not get another item in the cart, and I spend $4.00 (and it’s all name brands) and got back $15.00 to use within a month. I love my new way of shopping, because I have saved so much money for my family, and it really only takes me about 45 minutes to plan, but doesn’t take me very long to shop because I know what I want and I’m out of there. I have cut our grocery bill to half!!!! And, hopefully more in the next month or two.”
– Denise (SAHM and Wife, Attended Our Workshop in February 2008)
“I would say that the BeCentsAble workshop and website has affected how I shop, when I shop and what I shop for. I don’t make as many unnecessary purchases. I have also found that by waiting and being sensible about how I shop, I save on my household budget. I had no idea that there were so many ways you could save. Thanks!”
– Michele (SAHM expecting her second child in June, Wife, FPU Grad, Attended Our Workshop in February 2008)