UPDATE: Kristin posted this on Friday and I finally had time tonight to sign up. I am a big health nut and think that this magazine looks great. I also looked around on their website and it has some great information. The whole process took me about 2 mins.
A free subscription to Remedy Life Magazine (click the offer below to get yours- read my notes below FIRST).
They ask you to take a short survey about your and your family’s health and you get a 2 year subscription for FREE, plus samples and coupons from their sponsors (since it’s a free subscription there is, of course, some advertising that’s paying for the print and mail expenses).
The magazine looks informative though – the doctors that contribute are professors and staff in practice at some of the nation’s leading teaching hospitals and they have very timely and useful information on weight control, heart health and cancer awareness/treatment.
Note: I am a huge critic of the ‘free offer’ that requires you to complete a certain number of offers (also read “jump through hoops”) so I tried this first and it’s legitimate. When you get to the end of the survey there are several offers, just select ‘no thanks’ or ‘skip this offer’ on each one (even all the newsletter and membership boxes) and you will very quickly be done. It’s truly a 60 second process!