On a completely non-frugal note, I wanted to comment on the upcoming elections…
I earned a degree in economics, but my true desire was to be a History/Politics major. I just couldn’t see making a living doing anything other than teaching (which in retrospect I wish I had done!).
I am terribly enthusiastic about our political system…rights to vote, chances for people to live out their dreams, our FREEDOMS…and I think often in amazement at our luck at being born in this great nation.
I spent a summer driving between St Louis and Kansas City working on a grant to document and teach the history of Women’s Suffrage in the US (specifically in St Louis). I learned so much and discovered that I am quite passionate about these two topics!
This post is NOT about my personal beliefs or about who I will vote for in the upcoming election but rather something I hope will make you think and possibly inspire someone to get involved (or maybe even vote for the first time) or at the very least, pay greater attention to the single point of solidarity for every citizen of the US – our Presidential elections!
This morning John McCain announced his running mate, Sarah Palin. Governor Palin is a 44 year old Mother of 5! As you are probably aware Barak Obama also announced his running mate (Joe Biden).
Here are the possibilities:
- An African American President OR
- A Woman Vice President
Both from more modest backgrounds than most other Candidates have been.
At the risk of sounding dramatic…this election will, without a doubt, change the landscape of American politics; for better or worse we are making history!
I am excited to see how this election plays out and how the next 4 years will be for our country. As I said, we are on the verge of making history and in doing so, will become a more progressive version of our former selves.
No matter your political leaning or lack of…this is a truly a moment to watch and get involved if you are inspired to do so.
Exercise your right to vote this year; do it for all of those before you who did not have that right and worked so hard to earn it for us!