Before you purchase anything new always try to ask yourself whether you can borrow it or buy it used. This is always the case when considering media you would like to enjoy. Borrowing, buying used or swapping media rather than buying it new is another simple step toward a more eco-friendly, budget-conscious lifestyle. Here’s my some of my favorite sources of borrowed and used media to consider:
The Library
We are regulars at the library not only because it is a more frugal choice to borrow books or DVDs than it is to buy them, used or new, but also because it is a greener option. We check out many, many items from the library. If you have never been a regular at the library, you may be surprised as I was by how many semi-new release DVDs and books the library has available. Sometimes we have to wait a few weeks for a specific title, but rarely is an item completely unavailable.
When I come across a title I would rather own than borrow, I check PaperBackSwap first. If you haven’t heard of PaperBackSwap, I encourage you to check it out. You need to post 10 books that you are able to mail at your expense to anyone who requests them. You receive 3 credits for FREE books by doing this and then an extra credit when someone requests and receives a book from your list. Each book costs 1 credit. You will spend a few dollars on postage when you mail a book but not when you request one. PaperBackSwap is very easy to use and while many titles I’m interested in reading haven’t been immediately available I have received four books and mailed five in the last three months. To start swapping paper backs follow these simple steps:
1. Sign up for a PaperBackSwap account.
2. Gather up 10 books you would be willing to ship at your expense to another PBS member when requested.
3. Post the books to your account by using the book’s ISBN.
4. Once you have posted 10 books, you will receive 3 credits. You may use these credits to request any title available through PBS.
5. When someone requests a book from you and you ship it, you will receive an additional credit.
6. You can also receive a credit for referring a friend.
7. If a title you would like to read is not currently available, you can add it to your wish list and you will receive an email when another member lists it.
It’s easy to list books, easy to request books and easy to mail books with PBS. I highly recommend it. Several of my daughter’s favorite board books have come from PBS. With great options like the library and PaperBackSwap for meeting the media needs of my family, it’s becoming a rare occasion that we need to purchase any media at all.
Swap a DVD/CD
Just like paperback swap you can get used a used DVD or CD from Swap a DVD or Swap a CD.