We like to end all of our workshops and presentations the same way we conclude our book, with encouragement to share what you’ve learned and help us carry out Becentsable’s mission in your own communities:
“To help families save time, money and resources so they can focus on more important things; and to offer them the tools and encouragement to share their new skills and use them to improve their communities”
An important part of our lives has always been helping others. Whether we volunteer our time, resources or skills, we both feel it’s important to give what we can when we can so that others may do the same.
We sometimes forget that we can give to our communities in many different ways. Being a volunteer or making a donation simply means that we are giving something of value without the expectation of return. This can come in many forms:
• Using our talents and skills to help others;
• Giving money so people or organizations can pay for resources;
• Giving objects of value that people or organizations can use directly or exchange for money;
• Even offering ideas and feedback is a form of giving!
No matter how we choose to volunteer or donate, we can do more with less if we make ourselves aware of the many ways there are to maximize our resources. So, we leave you with encouragement to start giving to your community and some simple ways to help you get started without sacrificing more than you are able:
• If you know someone who makes purchases for a non-profit, school, church or other community group or social service organization, EDUCATE them. Tell them everything you know or, just send them an e-mail once a week with a couple of the really great deals you think would help.
• If you are able, take a portion of the money you are saving after learning all of the great tricks in our book and donate it to the organization of your choice. If we each began giving just $1 a week to any group we wanted to support there would be a lot more to go around!
• Take the idea above in reverse. Pick an amount your family wants to give and challenge yourself to cut your weekly expenses by that much!
• Of course, giving of your time and skills are invaluable. Saving time on errands and cooking can put time back in your schedule for helping others. Choose an organization and call them with an offer to help for one hour each month. You’ll save at least that much time just by making a list before heading to the store, or by planning two meals a week for your family!