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Did you pick up any good deals this week?
Saving You Money
By Becentsable
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Did you pick up any good deals this week?
[…] We used coupons, sales, and stockpiling to save on all our grocery and household items. […]
Great job – really wish we had a Price Chopper in our area:(
Great price for organic tomato sauce!
REALLY great idea to do a video showing everything you purchased, versus just writing it all out in a post! HOW SMART! I never gave it much thought, but I am sure new couponers must get exhausted reading and reading and reading info about couponing (just like I did at first!!!). Putting it in a quick video is a really great idea!
I am one of your followers for the best deals, thanks for the finds!
I totally scored too!
Check out my post about my shopping trip to Target:
It's not a lot but every penny counts, right??
My out of Pocket at CVS was $44.98 and after coupons I paid $11.27.
No Price Chopper here either, however I'm on-line right now getting all my coupons ready for my FM trip! Thanks for all your tips!
Using bogo coupons, cents off coupons and sale prices I paid $1.49 for 10 bottles of men's bath wash this week. Before sale price the cost of each bottle ranged from $4.99-5.99. I saved over $50.
10 days! You go girl! =] We are going camping so I am doing a 2 week break. I wonder if Wednesday will roll along and I will get the urge to "shop" in the woods!!!
Great savings. I've been on vacation so I'm still cutting coupons from last Sunday. I plan to make a list later today and go shopping and see how much I can save. The kids and I have made a game of it 🙂
I love the video approach too, and learning what you use to stretch things out for the week. That's a struggle I have right now, buying in bulk, yet still sticking within my budget. Here's some savings I had this week:
Thank you so much for doing all of this! I am super new to this and the "diet" has got me going even stronger!! woo hoo!
Some really good tips! Check out the post on my Kroger trip.