Great advice. I love your emails and web site! Kathy
I do this regularly. I cook two entrees, freezing one to use later when I am in a time crunch.
Here is a tip on the one you freeze: Line the pan with heavy tinfoil. After it freezes, pop it out of the pan and put the frozen entree in a ziplock bag before returning it to the freezer. This allows you to have your pan available for use (not with the entree in the freezer) as well as having the "perfect fit" for your pan when you take the entree out to bake.
Great advice. I love your emails and web site!
I do this regularly. I cook two entrees, freezing one to use later when I am in a time crunch.
Here is a tip on the one you freeze: Line the pan with heavy tinfoil. After it freezes, pop it out of the pan and put the frozen entree in a ziplock bag before returning it to the freezer. This allows you to have your pan available for use (not with the entree in the freezer) as well as having the "perfect fit" for your pan when you take the entree out to bake.
Good tip-thanks!