This week, you can get a $10 gift card at Toys R Us when you buy $35.00 in Hasbro games plus you can get a $12 mail in rebate. You can score 7 games for just $13 or $1.85 each! This would make a great Christmas gift or you can add this to your gift stockpile!
How to get this hot deal:
Buy (1) Chutes & Ladders $3.00
Buy (1) Candyland $3.00
Buy (1) Ants in the Pants $5.00
Buy (1) Don’t Break the Ice $5.00
Buy (1) Memory $5.00
Buy (1) Hi Ho Cherrio $5.00
Buy (1) $9.00 Game (Trouble, Scrabble, Clue or Monopoly)
Pay $35.00 (+ tax)
Get a $10.00 Gift Card
Submit for $12.00 in Mail in Rebate HERE
FINAL PRICE = 7 Games for $13 or $1.85 each
Thanks, Clippin with Carrie
i think there is a $3 rebate for the monopoly/scrabble etc games, so it would be a $15 rebate, right?
oops…about my comment above. i went to the store thinking that the $9 games were included on the rebate form but just their original versions are, and they are priced at $10.99 in the store right now.