Begin your 2011 savings by thinking about next years gift giving now! Working with a budget in mind, as well as a list of individuals you purchase for, can help you set your plan in motion. Thinking about Christmas shopping 364 days early can seem silly to some people, but others realize you can save BIG and have a stress-free holiday in 2011.
You already have your list, and checked it twice! Beginning the day after Christmas, you can find great deals on pretty much everything. Sales begin promptly when stores open on December 26th! Make sure you plan wisely as the longer you wait, the more picked over things will be.
Finally, find a special place for all of your gifts! One hiding place I especially like is in your children’s closets because who likes to clean out or look through your own closet. Wink, Wink!! Make sure you save your list of items for those special people, so you don’t double dip! Sit back, Relax and have a joyful 2011!
Excellent points. This goes well with Seth Godin’s most recent blog about busyness vs business – both are great reminders and things I needed to hear today.
I really love this. During the really great holiday sales I got some really nice toys (for very cheap!) for the kid’s birthdays this upcoming year, my son’s birthday, a nice set of flute champagne glasses for a wedding in June, and got a nice head start on the niece’s and nephew’s Christmas gifts as well!! My husband thought I was just going mad on a shopping spree & buying some unnecessary things (that we wouldnt need for months to come), but now he sees WHY (after going back online to show him what the prices were now, and what I actually paid!!) :0)
I already started my next years shopping and wrapped it up right away since I have not put away my wrapping paper. I put the gifts in a safe place all set for next Christmas. Less stress on me.