My name is a Deb and I live with my husband who recently lost his job. I have always been a person who cuts coupons because I grew up with a mother who did it too. It is even more important now to save money due to the fact that we are earning one salary.
Every Sat. or Sunday morning (depending on when the ads arrive) I cut coupons and look through the ads. I organize my coupons and find ones that would help me save even more money on the sale items in the ads. I usually save between 60% and 85% each time I got to the store. I love to go to Harris Teeter when they have double coupon week up to $1.99. I usually have at least 20 coupons to use and save $40 to $50.
Recently, I went to Pier One to buy a present for a bridal shower. I had a coupon for $10 off $30. I found two items that added up to almost $30. So, I bought a box to put the present into and it was just over $30. I was able to buy 2 nice gifts for the price of almost one.
In addition, I always check the receipts from the grocery story. Recently my husband came home from the store and he paid full price for 3 of the products even though they were on sale. I took the receipt back and explained the situation and was able to get my money reimbursed.
I spend time each week reading blogs about different sales at local stores to help me save more money. One great deal was when I bought a couch last year. I called different stores in North Carolina and found the same couch for $1500 less. I called my local store to see if they would meet the price and they had no problem with it. They call the North Caroline store to verify the price and ordered the couch for me. I was so excited to save so much money.
Coupons make a big difference. When I was unemployed for six months all I did was cut coupons. I always cut coupons before, but now I cut coupons even more