Here is a $0.50 off 2 coupon for Skittles or Starburst Candy (any size)! You should be able to snag a great deal at the drugstores with this coupon.
Thanks, Coupon Katarina
Saving You Money
By Becentsable
Here is a $0.50 off 2 coupon for Skittles or Starburst Candy (any size)! You should be able to snag a great deal at the drugstores with this coupon.
Thanks, Coupon Katarina
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Becentsable, Becentsable. Becentsable said: from BeCentsAble's B Skittles Coupon: Here is a $0.50 off 2 coupon for Skittles or Starburst Candy (any size)! … […]
Unfortunally, places like target, walmart and drugstores wont pay their employees what it takes to live in nor cal area. yeah u save but u pay at the end when we have to suplement the income of those employees with food stamps