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Check out our Getting Started Guides. You will find 101 guides, additional resources and an action plan to help you get started saving money. – Here you will find daily updates with all the hottest money saving deals. You will find store deals for all the national chain stores and even your local grocery stores, the newest coupon offers, hot deals, freebies, money savings articles and even giveaways. Today we are giving away a $100 gift card to Amazon!
Workshops – Becentsable has several workshops to help you learn how to save money and time. We currently have Fundamentals of Couponing, Fundamentals of Store Incentives, Fundamentals of Planning, Advanced Grocery Savings, and Centsably Green. For 48 hours only we have buy 1 get 2 free special! Click here to learn more!
Book – We are SO excited to announce that our book, “Be CentsAble: A Guide to Cutting Your Household Budget In Half” was released on March 30, 2010! Be CentsAble How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half is on sale for $11.10 at Amazon!
Contact Us – You can email us here. If you have a question, make sure to check our FAQ list!
I loved your GMA segament! Congrats!
Loved your episode this morning on GMA. I had no idea that you were gonna be on tv. I was in the other room and I heard them say “Becentsable” and I had to run and start the DVR. Love it, love it , love it…
I saw the segment. I got so surprised to see Becentsable on the show. Congratulations on that! I had no idea that you were going to be on there. I was so surprised and delighted.
i don’t comment often at all, but i first saw you guys on GMA YEARS ago (maybe… ’07) and immediately started getting your blog posts by email!! been a reader since!!!
I missed the segament… boo! BUT, when I checked out at Target last night and paid $1.09 for my $20 worth of product, the cashier told me all about you. I just smiled, nodded and told her to check this site out!
I appreciate all you do! I am a newbie, but I love the savings and even my 16 year old son was not embarrased as we had a line behind us explaining that we COULD stack coupons, he high fived me at the savings as we walked away!
Christina-Your a supermom! I can’t believe your 16 year old high fived you (so cool)!