When I buy a bag of onions I dice the entire bag and store in Ziploc bags in the freezer. I use a marker to write the number of onions that are in the bag. For example: 1 onion, ½ onion….this helps when a recipe calls for one onion etc…..
Also, when I see fruit or vegetables starting to go bad in my fridge I dice and freeze too. Everything can be used at some point. For instance I may have bought apples to eat as a snack, but when I freeze them they can later be used for baking an apple pie.
Check back each day in February, as we “Attack” Menu Planning and help each other win “Super” savings, money and time in the kitchen!
I do that too…I have bags of blueberries, chopped up peppers, bags of sliced onions. When I cook, I just grab a little bit of what I need. When the bag gets low, I add that item to my shopping list.
I like to freeze leftover fresh herbs. Especially since they are so expensive. I probably do it wrong, but I just rinse and dry them and loosely throw them in a plastic Ball freezer jar. Then I just break off what I need when I’m cooking. It’s nice to have ‘fresh’ thyme, basil, parsley and cilantro on hand!
I have chopped onions, peppers, zucchini (after blanching) and all kinds of other things in my freezer. I’ve even started freezing partially cooked pasta for some of my recipes.