Run over to Target and snag some FREE Nature Valley Granola Bars!!
Nature Valley Granola Bar 4-pks, $1 each (buy 3)
Use $1.50 off 3 Target coupon HERE
Use with $.50 off printable HERE and HERE, use 3
Final Price: FREE
Thanks, Frugal Living & Having Fun
I did this and had to pay $5.07 for all three, what did I do wrong were they suppose to be on sale cause each box cost $2.69 each I used my coupons like you said…
Sounds like you picked up the big box of Nature Valley Granola Bars (like a 12 pack) and not the 4-pks?
When I clicked on the link for $1.50 off threee, the only one I found was a .50 for 1.
I had to pay $5.07 as well… My target only had the 6 pack/ 12 bars or the even bigger packs.
So maybe not all Target’s have the 4-packs…
Lisa-I still see this coupon. It is a $1.50 off any 3 General Mills items and has a picture of Cheerios and Nature Valley on it.
Crista-Maybe your right and not all Targets have the 4-packs!
Went n got mine yesterday. Coupons printed out just fine for me. The correct bars are the 4ct, located in the dollar spot section at the front of the store. Only trouble I had was that after the cashier scanned my 3 manufacturers coupons, the Target one wouldn’t scan. The cashier sent me to customer services where they gave me a dollar fifty cash. Great deal ta :0)