Becentsable would like to introduce a NEW Coupon Database for YOU!
What is it:
If you need to find a coupon for an item you must purchase on your weekly shopping trip, you can check our coupon database to find out if one is available. Simply enter the item you are looking for (product name or brand) to see if there are any coupons available. If you are looking for Dannon yogurt first enter “Dannon” and if there is no result you can also try “yogurt”.
Where is it:
Click HERE or find the link in our menu bar at the top of!
When to use it:
Before you go shopping for anything!
What will you find:
Coupons, coupons and more coupons!
- Printable Coupons
- Coupons from inserts
- Store Coupons
- Peelie Coupons
- Magazine Coupons
- eCoupons
Why should you use it:
To SAVE big!
How to use it?
Follow the steps below:
- Type in the description box what you will be shopping for or the product name (example – cheese or Kraft)
- Click Search button to find coupon
- You can do an Advanced Search with items that include: Coupon Source, Source Date, Value, Expiration and you can even suggest a coupon too!
I need more help:
I don’t understand what SS or RP means or how to find these coupons!
You can learn more HERE and HERE.
Thanks for the new database. Its very helpful.
This looks great–I was wondering if there was a database for the coupons in the inserts. If I file them instead of cut them out it would be nice to find out if and where the coupon matchs are. Thanks!!!
SS = Smart Source
RP = Red Plum