Organization is our focus all month!
Becentsable’s mission statement includes that we want to help you save time and money. Being ORGANIZED and STAYING organized will help you save BIG!
- How many times have you purchased nail clippers to find out later you had 3 pairs?
- How many times have you wasted food because your pantry is unorganized, where food was pushed to the back and forgotten.
- How many hours have you wasted searching for lost items?
I invited Kristi from The Organization People, INC. to come into my home and give everyone tips and tricks on how we can be organized, learn to save time and gain money saving ideas!
Becentsable is “March”ing into Organization Land, showing you three areas in my house that are out of control and need help. I will show you before and after photos and videos and take you through step by step on how we got organized. I was very nervous to show everyone our problem spots, but I figure this is a learning process and some of you might have the same problems! (I can’t believe I am going to do this!)
Your invited to join me and organize your home! Send me your tips and tricks, before and after photos, or any questions or problems you have to! Everyone who sends me tips, photos, articles or questions will be entered to WIN a mystery giveaway!
I try to go thru my pantry at least once a month, to see what needs to be used (it’s closet sized and pretty full)
I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for doing this! My house is so out of control with clutter right now it’s hard to even think straight! lol
I use to be a clutter bug. Then I met a friend who is a true simplist and helped me change. Now I LOVE to be organized. Sometimes I just like to step back and look at a truly organized closet or shelf. It makes me feel accomplished and happy. Just the small things make a big difference. A few rules I follow:
If I have not used it in the last year I throw it out.
If I have not used it in the last 6 months I set it aside and allow it another 6 months before I toss it.
Those fun play things that come in kids meals… They make the car ride home then get canned.
I love my vaccume. If the house is a mess just vaccume. It will make a world of difference to have a clean floor.
I’m a list maker. It makes me feel accomplished when I give an item on my list the “mark out” or a check next to it.
I like to get the kids involved. They are 6 and 3 but I think if I help them be organized now they will be more likely to stay organized in everything they do.
I also like to show my organization off. I’ll get my dear hubby to come and look or my bff to come and check out my latest accomplishement. Just a little encouragement will get me thru that next task!
When in doubt take a breath. Sometimes staying organized, keeping the house clean or even getting the kitchen together can be daunting. I am the queen of getting overwhelmed. Dinner needs to be made, the kids have homework, I have 4 loads of laundry to fold and the house is a disaster. When I get like this I just sit back, think of what I have to be thankful for then start my list! Break it up and they are small molehills that make up those mountains!
I save all kinds of containers to organize things. Including bread bags, baby food jars, envelopes… You can cover most things with paint/paper to make it pretty.
This is a great idea. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bought things I already had, because either I didn’t see it or couldn’t find it. Getting organized would make me life alot easier.
i try and put things away when i am done with them. it’s a small thing but i find it really makes such a difference. instead of just putting that dirty dish on the counter, open the dishwasher and put it in. don’t just dump the mail, sort it as soon as it arrives and have cubbies for bills to be paid, letters, etc. it’s the small things that make the biggest difference!
Well, I need this organization info! However, I am in a “spring fling” decluttering mode right now. If it is not being used and hasn’t been used in a while, we must not need it!
I also like to make lists! Every day, I make a list of what I’d like to accomplish. I also make a weekly list of what I should try to get done that week. It feels so good to be able to cross things off the list! Feels like I actually accomplished something!
This the place I spend most of my time on the web… Whether it’s couponing, or tips for shopping when and where to buy at the right time always makes a BIG difference. My family and friends even ask about deals and coupons, I tell them about this web site, and how much fun it is, but they ask me, even my 18 year old son. I always look foward to something new going on! BESIDES I’M NOT TIGHT WITH MY MONEY… I LIKE GETTING MORE WITH WHAT I HAVE.
Tina-Thanks for spreading the word about!
RE: Megan’s comment above. The tips you gave people here are great. You sound like you could be an organizer yourself. I will second the comment that when you are faced with many areas that are piled up and it starts to feel like too much try breaking it down. This could be a list – like Megan or just in your mind. When you start breaking it down and find you don’t know where to start try thinking of the areas that you, and your family spend the most time in, because having that area squared away first can help your motivation and outlook on the rest of the house.
I have to be organized due to my ADD but I just wish I could find a way to teach my kids that there is a place for everything and everything in its place:)
I have implemented the “FlyLady” system ( . She helps me stay organized and on track with daily reminders, babysteps and making housework/organizing/decluttering fun. One of her sayings is “You can’t organize clutter”. Which is so true.
I also like your website because you seem to find the deals that matter to me most. Some sites find deals but on things that I would never use or buy. I am anxious to check out the new database
I try to stay “15 minutes to company ready”.
Organization is vital to feeling good. It gives you a “better quality of life” no matter what the situation. I agree with Kristi on starting with one room. After seeing how much more functional/comfortable the room is…that will be all the motivation you need to move on to the next room. It is harder when its just you going through all your stuff on your own. It’s alot easier when you have someone to help you!
Thanks for the info. It is time for Spring Cleaning. I heard an idea about going through your house 2 times per week and gather at least 10 items each time to throw away or donate. My son and I have tried this and it is amazing how much stuff is just laying around that we really don’t need.