I need help with pantry organization! Every time I get it organized, it gets disorganized again within a week. Any ideas?
Tip: Try combining boxes! This works well with things like snacks and granola bars. Sometimes the boxes are half full and when combined you save pantry space. Place the older ones on top and newer at the bottom.
Tip: Keep larger items in the back and shorter/smaller items in front.
Tip: Place similar items together and set limits. When your pantry is full (or over stuffed) you cannot buy more food.
Professional Organizer
The Organization People, Inc.
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Also things in bags that are misshapen, like different pastas or rices bags you can combine all into tubs, baskets, or some sort of random container.
Shelf 1- lowest for child reach: Otherwise known as the “bad carbs for adults on South Beach shelf” -Snack bags (chips/pretzels) and cereals
Shelf 2-Canned/glass goods. Veggies on the right, soups middle, fruit on the left-tuna in front
Shelf 3-Boxed goods (helpers, boxed rice, crackers, pancake mixes etc.)
Shelf 5-Coffee, Teabags, filters/hot cocoa
Shelf 6-Staples-Oil/flours/sugars/sweeteners/cornmeal
I needed extra space as well, so I put dry goods in mason jars and have displayed in a corner hutch. Popcorn, Oatmeal, Rice, Barley, all types of dry bean. (cute)
I also used my floor space under the shelves by putting two stackable crates up to the lowest shelf. Use those for condiments that you get free- these items stockpile quickly.
*Remember that anything that doesn’t fit in your pantry and is a boxed itemcan be put in your freezer (ours is downstairs). Mouse/bug safe and good to keep freezer full for energy costs.
I got small white boards, 5″ x 7″, at Walmart, I have these on the inside of each cupboard door, listing what is on each shelf. I aad and delete items as they are added or used. Knowing what is on each shelve makes it less likely that you, or others, will start rummaging through looking for stuff, enabling stuff to stay in its place.
I have 2 large baskets/bins in my pantry. I like the large square cloth basket because you can’t see what’s in it when you open the pantry, which is good if you are a snacker. Anyway, I put healthy snacks in one bin and occasional snacks in the other. Having healthy snacks on hand at all times leaves no room for excuses; plus it is great for those of you who have kids because the kids can pick whatever snack they want from the healthy bin. It gives them a choice, and they like eating what is in the bin. Plus, everything in both bins is already in perfect proportions, so there is no over-eating. I do spend some time putting food in proportions on grocery day. May sound like more work, but it saves time throughout the week and money since no one is eating a whole box of cookies 😉
Isthe class really worth taking? Cant you do these “workshops” with out it?