My question is what to do with all the mail we get? How do I organize it?
With incoming ‘paper’ I would try creating an action box. This can help with mail also. The size of the box is your limit. If the box is full that will tell you that you have too many items that require your attention and you must go through it before more mail can come in. There is going to be maintenance on keeping mail organized no matter when so, you will at some point have to take the time.
What I do is have two boxes. I have Junk and Action. Both of my boxes are right by the door. I pull the junk out as I walk to the front door. I toss that into the Junk box as soon as I walk in. The rest gets tossed into the Action box. If my husband wants to go through it – he knows where it’s at. I then take the box every Sunday evening and go through the mail until it’s empty. I dump the trash in the ‘trash’ because by now if I haven’t missed anything – I am sure it’s just trash. The action box is now empty for Monday.
Professional Organizer
The Organization People, Inc.
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Are you asking about mail in general or about the samples, coupons, freebies, etc. that we receive?
Good question…I was just asking about regular mail, mostly. We get a ton and it seems to pile up and not get dealt with. Kristi’s answer was really helpful.