I try and put things away when I am done with them. It’s a small thing, but I find it really makes such a difference. Instead of just putting that dirty dish on the counter, open the dishwasher and put it in. Don’t just dump the mail, sort it as soon as it arrives and have cubbies for bills to be paid, letters, etc.
It’s the small things that make the biggest difference!
Your invited to join me and organize your home! Send me your tips and tricks, before and after photos, or any questions or problems you have to becentsable@gmail.com! Everyone who sends me tips, photos, articles or questions will be entered to WIN a mystery giveaway!
I went to a presentation by a professional organizer who called this O.H.I.O. – Only Handle It Once. It really does save time and helps things not to get so cluttered.
I have a 11′ by 10′ kitchen that does not have a pantry of any sort. The cabinets I use make it hard to get those large cans of stuff without toppling over everyday and getting dinged.the only space i can think of that we can use as a pantry or a storage of sorts for this kitchen packed with spices and canned goods is under the stairs. does anyone have one of those here?has it worked for them.my kitchen is only 6 steps from that storage space and it does seem convenient for me.before i knock down walls, i wanted to hear from everyone their experiences.
I try to clean my son’s bathroom while he’s taking a bath. After I get out of the shower, I make sure to rinse out the shower and also wipe down the vanity(steam cleans a lot).