The organization tip that I put into action recently is for the gadget drawer in the kitchen. We remodeled recently right down to the drywall so I had the opportunity to completely empty out and replace everything. My sister helped me sort through everything (it definitely helps to have a second person asking you if you really need that thing).
My gadget drawer went from a piled up mess to looking like it belongs in Martha Stewart’s kitchen. It has remained this way for nearly six months now. I actually enjoy opening it and grabbing what I need. Think about what tools your grandmothers used -maybe a few knives, spatula, wooden spoons, can opener, measuring cups/spoons and kitchen shears.
Seriously? How in the world do you get them to all stay in place like that?
(If this references an earlier post with directions, my apologies; I don’t see a link to it)
Use the rubber shelf liner with the holes in it and things won’t slid around.
I have a gadget drawer and it’s kinda like yours…filled with awesome Pampered Chef tools!!!! 🙂