I use to be a clutter bug. Then I met a friend who helped me change. Now I LOVE to be organized. Sometimes I just like to step back and look at a truly organized closet or shelf. It makes me feel accomplished and happy. Just the small things make a big difference.
A few rules I follow:
- If I have not used it in the last year I throw it out.
- If I have not used it in the last 6 months I set it aside and allow it another 6 months before I toss it.
- Those fun play things that come in kids meals… They make the car ride home then get canned.
- I love my vacuum. If the house is a mess just vacuum. It will make a world of difference to have a clean floor.
- I’m a list maker. It makes me feel accomplished when I give an item on my list the “mark out” or a check next to it.
- I like to get the kids involved. They are 6 and 3 but I think if I help them be organized now they will be more likely to stay organized in everything they do.
- I also like to show my organization off. I’ll get my dear hubby to come and look or my bff to come and check out my latest accomplishment. Just a little encouragement will get me thru that next task!
When in doubt take a breath. Sometimes staying organized, keeping the house clean or even getting the kitchen together can be daunting. I am the queen of getting overwhelmed. Dinner needs to be made, the kids have homework, I have 4 loads of laundry to fold and the house is a disaster. When I get like this I just sit back, think of what I have to be thankful for then start my list! Break it up and they are small molehills that make up those mountains!
Your invited to join me and organize your home! Send me your tips and tricks, before and after photos, or any questions or problems you have to becentsable@gmail.com! Everyone who sends me tips, photos, articles or questions will be entered to WIN a mystery giveaway!
this made my day a whole lot easier thanks.
I had my girlfriends come over and they helped me go through my clothes with yes, no and maybes.. no’s went into a donate bag.. and yes when into prime location in closet.. and maybes were in the front to see when and if they were worn.. we had wine and snacks.. great fun and clean closet to boot!