Since it was a cold and wet day the girls and I decided to organize their toys. This was the first project we have done without Kristi from The Organization People. Kristi has given us lots of great advice, so I knew we could do this. I have organized the toys many times, but I have never pulled everything out and grouped the toys (puzzles, books, art etc). This made a BIG difference because then I could see exactly how much of each item we had.
I had the girls “help” me organize the toys so they could pick out what they wanted to donate. The girls were very excited to donate toys to kids who needed them. It took longer having the girls help because they kept messing up my piles, but they are very proud of their hard work and are more willing to put things back in the right place because they helped.
- Step 1 – Took everything out
- Step 2 – Cleaned off the shelves
- Step 3 – Grouped LIKE items together (puzzles, art supplies, stickers, books, toys etc.)
- Step 4 – Developed a plan (decided where everything needed to go).
- Step 5 – Put everything in its designated place, arranged and labeled.
Make sure to check out Problem Area #1 HERE and Problem Area #2 HERE
Would love any advice or tips for step 6 – Keeping it neat
Great Idea. Thanks for all the great tips