By Mary B
How annoying is it when you have a fair amount of conditioner and body lotion left in the bottle and no matter how you stand it upside down or on its side, you still wind up having gobs left over, inaccessible to you. This frustrates me to no end, especially when in the shower or running late.
The solution is an easy five minute fix which guarantees you get every last drop of the product out, so nothing is wasted!
Cut the bottle in half and empty the contents with a cotton swab or your finger wrapped in plastic into any of the following, depending on your own preferences and the consistency of the product:
- Purchase travel size containers for $1 from the Dollar store or Drug store. It’s reusable so you will get this money back in spades.
- Freezer or sandwich bag with a zipper. Doesn’t work great in the shower with wet hands but is a great storage unit for lotion or toothpaste.
- Used medicine bottles. Those little orange bottles you get your prescriptions in are the perfect size to house these small quantities and everyone has them. Just make sure to wash out before use.
The list of items these shortcuts can be used for is endless, but off the top of my head, here is where I would start:
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Body wash
- Body lotion
- Dish soap (including Soft Scrub type product, as well as regular dish soap, dishwasher soap)
Nice tip.
Thank you
Any good uses for those empty plastic Huggies Wipes containers or Cottonnell plastic containers?
I used the Huggies containers for art supplies (crayons, stamps, etc)