Zantac Coupon:
There is a new Zantac Coupon for $10.00 off two Zantac 75 or Zantac 150 product. Plus, print another coupon for $5.00 off Zantac 75 or Zantac 150 product.
Saving You Money
By Becentsable
There is a new Zantac Coupon for $10.00 off two Zantac 75 or Zantac 150 product. Plus, print another coupon for $5.00 off Zantac 75 or Zantac 150 product.
How do I find the coupons for Zantac?
When I click on the photo of the small coupon, it appears (in the same size) in the cornor of my screen. Do I just print this and bring it to any store that carries Zantac?
I find no way to get even an image of the second Zantac coupon you refer to (?)
Sorry, I have updated the image and it will now go to the coupon. You can also click on the link in the post. Have a good day!