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- Sign up HERE
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Here are just a few of the hot coupons I found:
- $2 off Huggies (Little Movers Slip-On Diapers)
- $.55 off International Delight (quart or pint)
- $1 off Quaker (Instant Oatmeal, Quaker Quick or Old Fashioned Oats)
- $1 off Kashi (TLC Pita Crisps)
- $1 off 2 jars of Peter Pan Peanut Butter
- $1 off 3 Rice-A-Roni or Pasta Roni
- $.40 off NO YOLKS
- $.40 off 1 Fleischmann’s Yeast (Jar or Strip)
Gifts on a Budget:
- Buy 1 Photo Book and Get 2 FREE
- $5 Taste of Home Cookbook Sale + Free Shipping
- Personalized Coffee Mug for $5.49 shipped
- FREE 8 X 10 photo canvas from Canvas People (a $55 value)
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