Okay, now that we have finished our own month of giveaways and have our blog redesign ready to go (should be Monday!!), it’s time to start our listing of giveaways going on around the blog world.
This one caught my eye…I don’t think I would be disciplined enough to wait for each month to open the next gift!
Can you believe My Little Pony has been around for 25 years?? My younger sister used to play with and watch them – it must have skipped my generation! To celebrate, Mama Loves Giveaways is giving away 25 sets of the original My Little Ponies!
And, again for the other nameless generation that my sister belongs to, for the girl who knew every line to all of the Indiana Jones moves at the ripe old age of 8…the Indiana Jones DVD Giveaway. This one requires you to be willing to write or share your photographs and have had an “interesting” travel adventure (travelling with kids is pretty interesting, right?). If you enter it, please send us a copy of the entry for fun! We’d love to hear/see the stories that are entered!