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- Take a look at your budget and see how much you have to spend this week. If you are married, I highly recommend setting goals together so that you’re both on the same page. Track what you spend as you shop so you don’t overspend!
- Make a list of items you need like bread and milk. Next, make a list of items you have in your pantry or freezer that you can use to make meals with.
- Look at the sale ads for the stores you have available in your area and pick the store you feel has the best sales for what your family needs.
- Plan a weekly menu! Begin by looking at the grocery store ad to identify sale items and plan your menu around them. Look for loss leaders that are typically advertised on the front page of the circular. Loss leaders are items the store is selling at a loss to attract you into the store in the hope you’ll buy more. Don’t forget the items you already have on hand in your freezer and pantry. Find meals that you can make around these!
- It’s a good idea to plan for more than you need since many stores are not fully stocked. It’s frustration to go to store and plan to make a recipe but end up coming home with everything you need but one item and now you can’t make this recipe! To help with this, try grouping your items you need for a recipe all together so you know if the store doesn’t have an essential item to skip all those items. Also, plan for extra meals in case you can’t make a meal you planned for.
- If you rely on a lot of convenience foods to save time, it’s likely they are taking a big chunk out of your grocery budget. Consider baking and freezing a batch of mini muffins for the kids as snacks instead of buying prepackaged granola bars or potato chips. Skip the frozen meals and meals in bag and cook from recipes using basic ingredients instead. Another benefit of meals made from scratch is that they are likely to be healthier than the convenience food version.
How To Save Money On Groceries During The Coronavirus
April 3rd, 2020How do we save money on groceries during the Coronavirus when the shelves are empty, you can’t make multiple trips to different stores and money is tight?

Save Money On Groceries During The Coronavirus
Set Your Grocery Budget
Know What You Have And What You Need
Pick Your Store
Make A Menu
New Way To Make Your List
Make More Food From Scratch
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