101 Guides: Gift Buying Strategies 101 Why Stock Up On Gifts 101 How to Avoid Budget Breakdowns at Christmas 101 Earn Cash Back Shopping Online 101 Swagbucks 101-A Great Way to Earn Gift Cards Action Plan: 1. Make a list of special events that you buy gifts for (Christmas, birthdays, weddings, showers, Mother’s Day, Father’s… [Read More]
Gift Buying Strategies
Thanks to Helping the Mommas for this guest post! Do you often find yourself strapped for money whenever you have an occassion that requires a gift? Believe me, we’ve all been there. Here are a few strategies to help you get started. 1) Just do it. Sit down and make a Gift Giving Budget. Plan… [Read More]
Why Stock Up On Gifts
What is Stockpiling? Creating a “reserve” of items you’ve bought at rock bottom prices. Why should I Stockpile a Gift Reserve? Typically, if you buy a gift at the moment of need, you’ll spend more than if you planned ahead. Our goal is to cut your Gift Giving Budget. If you buy items at rock… [Read More]
How to Avoid Budget Breakdowns at Christmas
In our book we outline different ways to plan and budget for different type of breakdowns. Today we will share some tips on how to avoid budget breakdowns at Christmas. Make a list of each person we give a gift to This is list should be broken into groups:Those we will buy for without questionThose… [Read More]