My question is what to do with all the mail we get? How do I organize it? Thanks, Sonia Sonia With incoming ‘paper’ I would try creating an action box. This can help with mail also. The size of the box is your limit. If the box is full that will tell you that you have… [Read More]
Tip from a Reader-Use a Basket
We have stairs in our house and I keep a basket at the top, EVERYTIME I go up or down the stairs I take something back up (or bring the basket down) and put the items where they belong. It NEVER takes me more than a minute each trip, but saves me at LEAST a… [Read More]
Organize and Save-Plus a New Giveaway
Organization is our focus all month! Becentsable’s mission statement includes that we want to help you save time and money. Being ORGANIZED and STAYING organized will help you save BIG! How many times have you purchased nail clippers to find out later you had 3 pairs? How many times have you wasted food because your… [Read More]